Withdrawn Lorne Infection and Immunity 2013

Comparison of invasive and non-invasive animal models for determining antibiotic efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus (#102)

Alberto B Silva 1 , Johnny Huang 1 , Hanna Sidjabat 2 , Soumya Ramu 1 , Anna Silvey 2 , Angela Kavanagh 1 , Wan Keat Yam 2 , Leisha Richardson 2 , Ruby Pelingon 1 , Mark S Butler 1 , David Paterson 2 , Mark A Blaskovich 1 , Matthew A Cooper 1
  1. Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  2. Centre for Clinical Research, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
The widespread use of antibiotics has led to a rapid expansion of antibiotic resistance, particularly in Gram-positive bacteria, leading to an urgent need to identify new anti-bacterial compound classes. The development of novel antibiotics is generally hampered by slow, difficult to monitor and labor intensive animal models for testing efficacy. These models usually correlate animal survival and/or the number of retrieved bacteria from the tissues (an invasive procedure) with compound activity. In recent years, advances in non-invasive in vivo imaging techniques have allowed the detection of genetically modified bioluminescent bacteria and the real-time visualization of the progression and/or resolution of infection in different organs. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of Gram-positive antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus in i) a thigh infection model using an invasive readout of colony forming units (cfu) retrieved from the infected tissues, or ii) in an acute peritonitis model using bioluminescent S. aureus (Xen-29 strain), which allows for the immediate visualization of the bacteria and sites of infection. Both models were treated with approved antibiotics, as well as novel internally developed antibiotics. Similar trends in antibiotic effectiveness were observed in both models. In the acute peritonitis model there was a correlation between recovered bioluminescent cfu and the observed bioluminescence prior to organ harvest. Together, these results validate the use of bioluminescent bacteria in non-invasive infection models, as they allow for real-time in vivo monitoring and the rapid efficacy testing and ranking of novel antimicrobial agents.